I live in the Kansas City area with my husband and four children. My interest in genealogy was born while I was still in elementary school in the 1980s. Twenty years later, armed with an internet connection, a new site called Google, and Family Tree Maker CD-ROMs, I began working in earnest on the family histories of my husband and myself. Twenty years after my first dabbling with internet research and digitized sources, I’ve decided to start my research over to ensure that it is complete and well-documented. This site will follow along that journey and hopefully provide others with some tips and tricks that might help their own research.

My tree includes the following families: Rindom, Eccher, Bohon, Foley, Beach, Evans, Griffin, Gilleece, Seary, Herrick, Henneberry, Jeffries, Seeger, Persons, LeFever, and more. My husband’s family names include Brooks, McKinney, Fletcher, Jessee, Humphries, Noe, Calloway, Litton, Pack, Nolan, and more. Slowly but surely, I’m working to Uncover our Roots.